Sunday, March 1, 2009

Valentine's Day Gift

Okay, this is a little out of date due to some technical difficulties on posting the picture. But I still want to share the lovely gift my son gave me for Valentine's Day.

We get a lot of craft stuff every week from Alex's program and while we oooh and aaah over it, we know that for the most part, it has been fashioned by his therapist with a little enforced help from Alex. This time, however, we got a note that told us that Alex picked out all the pieces himself and strung them all together himself. And he handed it over to me himself (okay, with a little prompting, but that's still huge).

I wore this necklace very proudly for the whole day and Alex seemed quite intrigued by that. He kept coming up to look at it and finger it. After I wore it, I tucked it away in his special momentos box where it will stay safe.

Thank you, Alex. Happy Valentine's.

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